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Mental Health Awareness Month at AACPL

You may have heard of Mental Health Awareness Month, but did you know that numerous related organizations have been observing MHAM in May each year since 1949?

Read the Fine Print: Meeting a 50-Year Staff Member

As we approach the end of Women's History Month, we at Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL) thought it fitting to honor one of our own illustrious female colleagues: Barbara Gosnell, who has served AACPL for half a century! 

Maryland Day is Coming Soon!

If you live in our state, particularly in Anne Arundel County, you have probably heard of Maryland Day, but may not know exactly what it entails or why we commemorate this unique day. In fact, Maryland "Day" is not a day at all, but rather a full weekend of events!

Spring Cleaning & Organizing with AACPL!

The official first day of spring is less than two weeks away on Sunday, March 20, and we here at AACPL are gearing up for a happy, healthy springtime -- especially as the COVID risk continues to decrease.

Winter Wellness: How Your Library Can Help

There remain a little more than three weeks until the first day of spring. However, just because we are still trudging through winter doesn’t mean we need to hibernate on our health – physical, emotional, or otherwise!

Your Comprehensive Guide to AACPL Online

It’s no surprise that the advent of COVID-19 two years ago required Anne Arundel County Public Library to pivot in a wide variety of ways, including the shift from in-person to online.